Sharing Informations with Other Computers

One of the things we do when we have a computer is share informations with diffenrent people. I could be friends or someone in your family. There are different ways of doing that and every way has pros and cons. In this website, I will be telling and explaing what I think is the best way to share informations

Image from Steller Data

Ways to transfer/share informations

In this table I will be listing three best ways to transfer/share informations and give one pro and con

Ways to transfer/share informations Pros Cons
USB Safe and doesn't require internet connection If you lose the usb you lose all the data on the usb
Online(Mails, google cloud storage etc...) The informations are all online so you can access it anywhere You always need internet to access the information and it could be seen or taken by many other people(hackers)
Network It's easy once you learn how to do it and it's safe and quick If you don't know how to do it, it might be confusing

In my opinion using the network is the best way to share files because it's easy once you learn it and it's safer. It is also more efficient. You can also do many more things with the network such as connecting your printer to the network. By doing that you can print documents or anything else from any computer if that computer is connected to the same network as the network the printer is connected to. Therefore using the network is the best and the most efficient was to share files. You can learn how to do that here

Image from Google Cloud Platform

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